Friday, December 14, 2012

There's two verses in the Bible that I have a hate,  love relationship with.  Once I share the verses I think you'll understand. In the last month I've studied these words of Jesus over and over again and read many commentaries.  Last week a friend, who knew nothing of my recent journey, recommended a book based on what I'd been studying.  Coincidence?  I don't think so!  In all of this, God has basically summed up the last two years of our life and ministry with this conversation  Jesus is having with Peter.  In a strange way it has brought  peace to my heart.  Let's look at Luke 22:31,32 together. Jesus is speaking to Peter. 

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.  But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail.  So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers." 

I think you can see my hate relationship with this verse.  I hate the "sifting" process yet God confirmed  to me that this is the season we've been in.  And if you're reading this and you've been going through a difficult time it just might be a "sifting" season for you as well. 

But knowing the season can also bring you into a place of peace if you'll allow it.  Please let me elaborate on this point.  You see, when you and I go through difficult seasons we have the tendency to play what I call the "blame game."  We blame God.  We blame other people. We blame ourselves.  Let me encourage you, living in the world of "blame"  will not help you recover. 

Have there been times I've  questioned God in the last two years?  Absolutely!  Have there been times I felt like some of our friends let us down?  Absolutely!  Have there been times (many times) I felt like a failure believing this was all my fault (if I would've just stayed in my place of comfort as the pastor of those people who loved us and we loved them)? Absolutely!  But friends you can't dwell in this place because if you do, you open the door for unforgiveness and bitterness to take root in your heart and then your bad situation gets worse! 

Notice this.  Jesus knew Peter was going to deny Him, not once, but three times, yet He never condemned Peter.  But Jesus did identify to "Simon" that what he was about to go through was an attack from Satan.  Now I don't know your worldview but personally my Biblical Worldview has been confirmed in the last few years. Satan is real!

What am I saying?  In some kind of strange way it has brought peace to my heart to know that we have been under an attack from Satan.  I know, sounds strange.  But friends our ministry has been attacked, our identity has been attacked, our finances have been attacked, our relationships have been attacked and a few other things I'll not mention.  Only my wife knows some of the very low moments I've experienced. 

How can knowing this bring peace to your heart and my heart?  No longer do we set around "blaming" flesh and blood but it's time to identify the real cause of our struggle, Satan. The Bible tells us that his job is to "steal, kill and destroy." 

So here's the good news.  God will use what Satan meant for your harm and turn it around and use it for His (God) GOOD!  In my next blog I'll talk about what I love in the these verses.

But let me encourage you as I close this out.  Jesus tells Peter that He's praying for him, that his faith fail not.  In the Message Bible it says it like this:  "Simon, don't give in and don't give out."  If you're in a difficult season right now that's my encouragement to you.  "Don't give in and don't give out!"  God is about to turn your situation around for His good so DON'T QUIT! 

Stay tuned!

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