Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I seriously doubt  Mary and Joseph had a prayer meeting and asked God if Mary could become pregnant before they were married!  It's also not likely  Mary prayed to conceive the baby in the power of the Holy Spirit and for it to be a virgin birth.  On top of all this I really can't see Mary praying and asking God if she can give birth to His Son! 

If you really think about it giving birth to Jesus wasn't something God was doing for Mary and Joseph but it was something they were doing for God.  They surrendered their lives to the plan of God instead of God fulfilling what they probably desired for a  happy marriage and family. 

In other words, God messed up their plans!  But when God messes up your plans it's because He's got a better plan!  We just have to be willing to say as Mary did, "I am your servant, may it be to me as you have said." 

This has really been a paradigm shift for me during this season of Advent.  My journal is full of prayer request, full of my plans I've been praying and asking God to fulfill in 2014.   Things I've been asking God to do for me. 

But here's the shift.  In 2015 instead of asking God for things He can do for me,  why not  ask God what I can do for Him!  Did you catch that?  As I looked back and evaluated 2014 I realized how consumed I was with asking God for things He can do for me.  Now that's not necessarily a bad thing.  After all I really believe God is concerned about every detail of our lives and the Bible is clear that we need to ask, seek, knock and our Heavenly Father loves to give good gifts to His children.

But what's my motivation?  What can God do for me or what can I do for God on this earth?  Is my attitude the same as Mary's?  Am I willing to say, "I am your servant, may it be to me as you have said?" 

It's time to Dream.......Again!  But may those dreams be dreams that are birthed by the power of the Holy Spirit as I surrender my plans, my goals, my desires to the plans, goals and desires of God. 

Heavenly Father what can I do for You today and in 2015! 

Merry Christmas,
Ken Woolf

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"I absolutely love the fact when I have something good or bad going on, the first person I want to call and tell is my husband.  And he does the same with me.  More than spouses we are best friends.  It's the everyday things in life I love experiencing with you.  I love you Ken Woolf!"

I love those precise points in time that I call "God Moments!"  A particular time when God opens your heart and says "this is Me!"  It's a monumental moment of life transformation you'll never forget!

Such was the case not long after I read the above Facebook post from my wife Jeanie.   At first I thought "Oh how sweet, she's so kind."  I commented on her post saying "we are best friends forever."  You know,  BFF!  That mushy stuff that causes people to go "aw, they're such a sweet couple."

Then it hits me and I'm totally blindsided by the following thought.  "Wait a minute, she still calls me her best friend and wants to experience life with me!"  This thought caught me off guard but God used this moment to once again peel back a layer of my heart and reveal Himself to me in a new and fresh way. 

Why would my wife's kind words cause me to vacate the place of a mushy romantic state of mind and just be eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for my wife and my relationship with Him?  Why would her expression of the feelings about her husband bring about a "God Moment" that is forever etched in my heart?

It's been over 20 years ago but I shattered her heart!  While serving in law enforcement I violated our marriage covenant.  We had a real crisis in our marriage!  She had every right to leave but chose to forgive me and we've experienced the awesome restoring power of God in our relationship!  

Even after I shattered her heart she still calls me her best friend and wants to experience life with me! 

It's been over three years ago that again I shattered her heart. No it wasn't a moral failure but it was a decision I made in regards to our ministry.   I totally disregarded her desires (which turns out were right) and listened to others who had a personal agenda.  I dishonored her and later regretted it! Many nights she lay in the bed next to me and cried herself to sleep.  We had a real crisis in our ministry.  But she chose to forgive me and we've experienced the awesome restoring power of God in our ministry.

Even after I shattered her heart again,  she still calls me her best friend and wants to experience  life with me!

This is it, God's perfect picture of forgiveness and love!  God saying through my wife "you failed but you're not a failure!  I still love you son and want to experience life with you.  We're still family and I still have a great plan for your life.  In fact, I want to call you my best friend!"

There's nothing more powerful and nothing will bring healing to your heart like God saying "You're My BFF!"  Especially when you've blown it in your marriage and ministry.  Wow, what a "God Moment!"

"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is to great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."  (Ephesians 3:19 NLT)

That's my prayer for each person reading this blog! I pray that somehow through the words I've shared the Holy Spirit will speak to you and reveal the love of Jesus Christ!  No matter your failures it's not over!  Let me say that again.  No matter your failures it's not over.  Trust in the love, forgiveness and restoring power of God.  His grace is abundant and He's just waiting to pour it out on you as you look to Him!  Daily He wants to experience life with you and call you His best friend!  

My friend when you experience the love of Christ in this manner it thrust you to a place of DREAMING.......AGAIN!  Get ready, open your heart, He's about to pour His love all over you and in you! 

Encouraging you,

Ken Woolf

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

 "F" words that move us beyond "F"ailing!

"F"aith will move you "F"orward!  Go ahead, hear the Word of God, step out of the boat!  Do what God is calling you to do and do it with all your heart.  "F"ear not!  Be strong and courageous!

"F"ear will paralyze you!  God has not given us a spirit of "F"ear but of power, love and a sound mind! 

Have "F"aith in God!  The Bible tells us that nothing is impossible with God! It also tells us that nothing is impossible to those who believe!  It's time, move "F"orward!

So as you're moving "F"orward you experience "F"ailure! What, I took a step of "F"aith and experienced "F"ailure!  I stepped out of the boat and sank like a bucket "F"ull of concrete! 

Now instead of being "F"ull of "F"aith my life is "F"ull of "F"ear!  I spend more time looking back than looking "F"orward.

Will I ever move "F"orward again or will "F"ear paralyze me for the rest of my life?

Wait a minute, now I hear God saying "get close to Me."  Right now life isn't about moving "F"orward it's about more "F"ruit.  And for there to be more "F"ruit in your life there's got to be pruning.

During the pruning season I learn that I still must have "F"aith in God!  "F"aith that what God started in me He will complete!

Pruning can hurt but don't "F"ear because your Heavenly "F"ather is handling you with love.

That's right, during this pruning season the closer I get to God the more I know Him as my "F"ather!

I am His son and He is my "F"ather! 

This is awesome because no longer do I feel like a "Failure" because I now know God as my "F"ather!  I no longer identify myself as a "F"ailure but I'm a son, a son of my Heavenly "F"ather!  That's my identity, a child of God!

Is that the voice of my "F"ather speaking?  Yes it is!  Now He's saying it's time to move "F"orward!

Yes, it's time to "F"orget!  "F"orget the past, you're not a "F"ailure!  It's time to look to the "F"uture!  It's now clear,  my "F"ather has a "F"uture and a hope for me.

Life is more about my "F"uture than it is my past!  Have "F"aith in God!

Don't let it happen.  Don't allow the "F"ear of "F"ailure to control your life.  You're a child of God, you're not a "F"ailure!

Hear the voice of your "F"ather and move "F"orward!  "F"orget the past. 

"F"ear not!  Be strong and courageous! 

With one step "F"orward you realize that much "F"ruit is in your "F"uture!  You've taken the step of "Faith" and no longer is your bucket "F"ull of concrete but it's "F"ull of "F"ruit!  "F"ruit that will remain and bring glory to your Heavenly "F"ather!

Here it is, this is what you discover.  Through the "F"aith, "F"ailure and "F"orgetting the past you realize, it's now set in stone, your Heavenly "F"ather is "F"aithful!

Yes, you can move "F"orward in the face of "F"ear because you have "F"aith in a "F"aithful God!


Ken Woolf

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"God is going to give you the ability to pull people from the trash heap of life...."  These were words spoken to my wife Jeanie and I around 10 years ago and for some reason I've been thinking about what was said for several days,  several times a day! I just can't get it out of my mind! 

What is the "trash heap of life" anyway?  "Life" is basically the experience of being alive.  "Heap" is a large, disordered collection of things thrown one on another.  "Trash" is things that are no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown away.

Finally I start getting the picture.  Can you see it?  The "trash heap of life" is simply the experiences of life that pile one on top of the other that make us feel useless.  We feel as though we're no longer wanted and have been "thrown away" by life!  We're of no use to anyone or anything!  Life is now a meaningless experience in which our only goal is to survive.  Why?  Because we're useless, life has proved that.

I've opened the door and walked into the room of useless before.  First in our marriage and then in our ministry with the most recent being our ministry.  You know....stepping out of the boat to walk on water and live the dreams you've been dreaming only to sink like a bucket filled with concrete.

Straight to the bottom with our dreams, our ministry, our finances, our relationships.  It's amazing the number of friends that just drop off the face of the earth when you've sank to the bottom.  There must be something wrong with this guy, probably some sin in his life or something.  Obviously he doesn't have what it takes. 

It's that feeling you get when you've failed your wife, your kids, your friends and most importantly God.  After all the dream started with me.  Talk about feeling useless, just a piece of trash.  Even after we left Colorado and returned to Texas the trash just kept piling up!  Nothing but one big pile of useless!   

But here's the good news, news that will rock your world!  When I walked into the room of useless I didn't enter alone.  God invited Himself in and He didn't even knock.  And I quickly realized that my pile of trash was no match for God! 

Why was God in the room with me?  Because He wanted me to get close to Him.  That's right, trash heap and all God wanted me close.  And this is when the following Bible verse became more real to me than ever before.  "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."  Romans 8:28

Wait a minute, my "trash heap" is going to become something good?  Yes it is because God has the ability to turn your trash heap into His treasure!  He does this because He still has a purpose for your life and when you are a person living with purpose, God's purpose, you're certainly not useless but my friend you are useful!  

And here's the cool thing about it all.  You never left the room of useless!  God took the room of useless and turned into the room of useful!  That's just what He does and He's good at it!  Useless things never stay useless in God presence!  God has the power and the desire to turn your pain into His purpose!  Just get close to Him!

I love the following quote from Dave Ramsey.  I've used it before.  "The difference between the successful and the troubled is not error-free living;  it is that by discovering and implementing a life calling, the successful stand on their pile of trash while the troubled sit under theirs."

Several years ago when God told us He was going to give us the ability to pull people from the trash heap of life and make them men and women of God little did we know that this ability would come from experiencing our own trash heap.  But I'm so thankful that God's not intimidated by the trash heap.  In fact He welcomes it because He delights in turning it into His treasure!

I don't know what "trash heap" you might be looking at today but can I tell you from experience, no trash heap is to big for God.  Just get close to Him and let Him remind you of who He created you to be.  No longer will you feel useless but you'll know you're useful to a loving God!

It's time to DREAM.......AGAIN!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

 Below is a  short but powerful blog by my daughter Staci Woolf who just today (Wednesday August 20) arrived in New Zealand to begin a new chapter of her life.  I know she's my daughter but this is one  of the best and most challenging blogs I've ever read.  It will ruin you from the ordinary! 

"Risky things sure are risky. For example: quitting your job and selling your stuff and buying a plane ticket to a country you've never been before is RISKY and I took the risk. I cannot count the amount of people who have said "you're so fearless!" BAH. Fearless? No. I will say..... that about a year ago I decided to stop letting fear paralyze me and keep me from living life. Joyce Meyer says it this way.. " Feel the fear and do it anyway." Well I am "doing it anyway". I know God had orchestrated this whole ordeal. Even from the moment I realized He wanted me to do this (which will be 1 year ago the first weekend of September) I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this had GOD written all over it. Were there tons of signs pointing towards it? No. But there was something inside of me that erupted at the thought. You can wait your whole life looking for "signs". Please do not misunderstand me.  l absolutely love it when God gives us signs that point to the direction we should go but I think there will be moments in your life when you are just going to have to trust that God won't lead you where He doesn't go. Trust His voice! I knew God wanted this and I wanted this. There are a lot of things I want to write about. All the way back to a year ago when I had no clue what next step was in my life to this moment right now... me sitting here in the airport waiting on my flight to New Zealand. For now I just want to write about one thing. The things you want....The things your heart desires so much you sometimes wonder if you are going to explode..... those things are more than likely on the other side of risk. They are on the other side of fear. Feeling fear isn't wrong. Bowing to it is. Whatever it is that you are wanting. Whatever it is that you long for.... Keep praying. Keep believing for it and don't be surprised when the time comes for you to walk into that promise and it requires a risk and may look a little scary. God things tend to be bigger than we are and if you want to walk in those things fear cannot be in control. To hell with fear. It's dumb. God is a good Father. Lean into Him. Trust him and don't be afraid to dream big!"  

Staci Woolf

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nobody likes a back seat driver but everybody needs one.  I can't count the number of times I've been driving down the road lost in the world of my own thoughts or distracted by something outside or inside the vehicle only to be shocked back into focus by the loud, firm voice of my wife saying "KENNETH"! 

When Jeanie says my name with this tone of voice I know she's not just seeking my attention but she's wanting me to get my attention back on the road I'm driving on because if I don't I'm about to have an accident.

It's funny because my first reaction is always "why are you saying my name that way, with that tone of voice?"  Or in other words I'm telling her, "hey I got this what's the problem!  I'm in control here, I have my hands on the steering wheel and everything is okay!" When in reality everything wasn't okay.  I was distracted and about to run off the road or head on into another vehicle and my wife (my back seat driver) saved my life and possibly many others. 

Because of my pride and male ego I'm ashamed to say there are times I'd even get angry with Jeanie for correcting my driving.  Now how crazy is that! My back seat driver just saved our lives and I'm getting angry because she brought attention to my distraction that was about to cause an accident!  Can somebody say "foolish!" 

Then when I finally humble myself I have to admit that I needed my "back seat driver."  I had lost focus and wasn't paying attention to the direction I was going but she could see what I couldn't see because I was distracted!  And I'm thankful that she had the courage to speak up and speak firm and loud because it probably saved both of our lives! 

The truth is we all need a few "back seat drivers" in our lives.  Not just when I'm driving down the road in a car but in every aspect of life.  I need a few people close to me who can see what I can't see and are willing to speak loud and firm to keep me from running off in the "ditch" or "head on" into another vehicle.  When these tragedies happen it harms not only me but those connected to me as well. 

Just in the last month I've heard reports of two mega church pastors who've  had "head on collisions" in their ministries.  They both had to resign due to moral failures.  My earnest prayer is that their families and ministries be healed and restored but I have to wonder if either of these men had "back seat drivers" in their lives?  People in their inner circle they were accountable to and that could speak loudly and firmly to them. 

I think you can get the message  without me going in any other details.  So I just have to ask you, who are your "back seat drivers?"  Are they in the vehicle with you and do they have the authority to speak loud and firm to you? 

In this season that Jeanie and I are dreaming.......again I can tell you that I've been far more focused on our "back seat drivers" (inner circle) than I ever have in the history of our ministry.  I have friends close to me that love me and want to see God's best for our family and ministry that have permission to speak into our lives and bring correction if needed.  And please don't get me wrong, they're not just in the vehicle to correct my driving.  These are people I'm in relationship with.  We enjoy doing life together.  Let me say it this way. We enjoy just going for a ride in the vehicle.

In fact most of the time we can just go for a drive and enjoy the ride.  I love sharing life with my family and friends.  But I'm so thankful for the family and friends that I've designated as "back seat drivers!"  They sure have kept me from a lot of accidents! 

 "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.  Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone?  A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

Enjoying the ride,

Ken Woolf

Monday, April 14, 2014

It's been several weeks since I've posted a new blog so I thought this season we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a great time to share a cool experience that Jeanie and I had recently. 

In thinking about the new life of Jesus we can't help but be reminded that there would be no empty tomb, once occupied by a dead body, if there had not first been a death.  And we know the death that our Lord and Savior experienced was a horrible death on a cross. 

A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to take a short vacation to Pueblo, Colorado.  We had some missionary friends also there at the time and a pastor friend from Pueblo had invited us. 

Now under normal circumstances this would seem like no big deal and we would anticipate a great time with friends,  hanging out and doing some site seeing.  But this wasn't normal circumstances.  At least not as far as Jeanie and I were concerned. 

Why is that?  Because for the last two and half years when we thought about Pueblo all we could think about is our greatest failure in ministry and how we let many people down and encountered the toughest trial we'd ever walked through. 

I'm not trying to be over dramatic here but when I thought of Pueblo and all that transpired after I chose to quit and move my family back to Texas, it wasn't pleasant.  In fact it was painful and depressing.  The confusion concerning our future in the ministry.  The days and months of struggling financially and trying to dig ourselves out of a deep pit.  The nights of listening to my wife cry herself to sleep (no exaggeration)  because I made a decision to no longer keep a house that she loved in a place that she loved.  A decision I later regretted and had to apologize for and ask my wife to forgive me.  The months of turmoil in relationships when I'm just trying my best to get my family to a place of peace where we can encounter restoration and healing.  Thank God we're there now! 

So when Jeanie and I thought about returning to Pueblo, on vacation, we didn't exactly leap for joy!  In fact it was like returning to the place of the "cross" for us!  I think you know what I mean. 

But here's the coolest thing about all this.  God had a surprise "up His Holy sleeve"!  What we thought was just a planned vacation turned out to be a plan of God. 

We thought we were returning to the place of the "cross" but what we discovered was an "EMPTY TOMB"!  Our week in Colorado was a powerful time of healing and restoration.  My heart leaps even now as I write this!  By the end of the week we were not ready to leave.  It was so refreshing and we can see now that God had a purpose for our pain.  Now we KNOW the resurrection power of God.  That same power that raised Christ from the dead!  

Let me share one cool experience I had while there.  On Wednesday night I was asked to participate in a round table discussion with two ministry friends.  Pastor Aaron Tomlison who pastors New Day Church in Pueblo and Pastor Mark Serviss  a missionary who currently lives in Romania.  The topic of the discussion was "The Love of God" and it was being video taped for the purpose of being shown over TV to potentially millions of people in Pakistan.  And recently I was informed it was going to be shown in Romania as well.  You can check it out on YouTube if you'd like. It's a great discussion that was non scripted but obviously led by the Holy Spirit. 

But here's the most amazing thing about this.  When we ended the discussion the Holy Spirit speaks to me and ask this question.  "Where are you?"  Then it hits me, I'm in Pueblo, Colorado ministering again!  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be back in this place participating in something that has the potential to reach millions of people.  In August of 2011 when my family left the city limits of Pueblo in that U-Haul truck I never expected to return there, not for a vacation, not for a visit, not for anything.  Our dream had died and we were defeated and depressed!  But now I'm back, talking about the love of God, and millions of lives could possibly be touched. 

Now that's the restoring, healing, resurrection power of our God! 

After we had had returned home from this "vacation" the Holy Spirit asked me another question.  "Do you remember what I said to you while you were driving down Highway 50 in Pueblo a few years ago?" Then I had to start laughing and praising God!  It was early in the year 2011  that God spoke the following words to me so suddenly and clear that there was no doubt.  He said, "I'm going to pay you to encourage people all over the world." 

After God spoke these words to me we experienced the greatest disappointment and trial we had ever encountered in ministry.  But now, here we are, telling people all over the world about the love of God and encouraging them!  Wow, our God is amazing. 

So as you've been reading this blog I don't know where you stand today?  But if you're in a place where your last experience was the place of the "cross" then you need to know that God has an "empty tomb" encounter for you.  Don't quit, don't give up! It's time for you to KNOW the restoring power of God.  Right now I speak to the resurrection in you!  Your greatest days are before you!  

You've heard me say it time and time again my friend, it's time to DREAM.......AGAIN! Suddenly God is going to move in your life and surprise you with His perfect plan that brings restoration and healing to your life!  He is a good God! 

Encouraging the world,

Ken Woolf 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Recently while watching just a few minutes of American Idol my attention was captured by one of the contestants. It was a young lady who at one time had a recording contract in Nashville but lost it all due to her addiction to alcohol.  Something she openly talked about on the program.

But here she was now,  on the back side of her failure, embracing a new life and going for it again on American Idol.  It obviously took great courage for her to take this step.  No doubt she had to overcome fear and not worry about what others thought about her.

The idea that converged on my mind was that inside this lady was a "second chance!"  She was willing to take the risk and give it another shot.  She overcame  a failure mentality and took another chance because another chance was on the inside of her.

At this point the singer was more focused on pursuing her dream than she was on her past failures.  While she reflected on her failures she in no way allowed the past to control her but instead she was pursuing the passion of her heart.  In other words, she was DREAMING.......AGAIN!

Did she learn from her past mistakes?  Only time will tell that story but I believe she did! The point is she had a "second chance" on the inside of her and she was chasing her dreams. And when you pursue your dreams opportunities seem to come your way just as it did for her.

You and I can get knocked down in life but we don't have to stay down.  We can fail but if we pick ourselves up and keep trying we're not failures!

As I close this blog I"m challenged to ask myself, is a "second chance" on the inside of me? I know it's in the heart of God.  In fact He loves "second chances!"  He can turn things around in your life with just one Word  and give you a NEW DAY!

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."  (Philippians 3:13 NLT)

 Just in case you didn't watch the show, this young lady received a "YES" from all three judges and she's on her way to Hollywood.  She may or may not win the competition but in my book she's already a winner because she was willing to try again.

And when you and I try again,  opportunities come knocking on our door and God says "YES!"

Loving "second chances!"


Saturday, January 18, 2014

As I write this blog I'm sitting in the cafe at Christ for the Nations Bible School in Dallas, TX. observing students who have just left the morning chapel service and who are now lining up (a long line) for a morning cup of "joe" before going to their first class.

As I'm writing I can sense the energy and passion in the room that is flowing out of these young men and women who are on fire for Jesus Christ and excited about being equipped and empowered for their upcoming journey in the ministry.

Some will be pastors, pastors wives, missionaries, evangelist, associate pastors, worship leaders, children's pastors and youth pastors.  Some will start businesses and fulfill their ministry in the marketplace as they represent the Kingdom of God in business.  Some will simply work for a company and serve God through serving their employer.

But what really breaks my heart and stirs my heart to action is that "some" of these young students  will lose this passion, energy and fire at some place in life when they face difficulty, discouragement, distraction or devastation.  Statistics tell us that approximately 80% of Bible School Students will leave the ministry within five years of entering vocational ministry.  Honestly, that just blows my mind! 

When I think about those who once had a passion to serve God and others and have now walked away from ministry and in some cases their relationship with God I can't help but think about the following verse Jesus shared with His disciples.

"Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."  (Matthew 9:37)

This verse seems clear to me!  If my heart is for the harvest I must also have a heart for the workers!  This is one reason my wife and I are so passionate about encouraging people all over the world!  We need more workers in the harvest field not workers leaving the harvest field!

If you're reading this blog and you're one of the statistics I mentioned above I want you to know it's not over and your best days are before you!  Your heart may be broken but our Heavenly Father loves you and wants to heal your heart and restore your life and ministry!  Never forget, if you will allow God He will turn things around and work all things (even the bad) out for His  glory and your good!  It doesn't mean all the pain will immediately go away but it does mean that God will bring purpose to your pain and with time His purpose will become far greater than your pain!

But the greatest thing of all is you'll experience God's presence in a powerful way and peace will flood your heart!  You'll hear the voice of God once again saying, "You're My Son or You're my Daughter!  I've never left you or forsaken you.  I've been with you through it all and I still have a great plan for your life!"

Never forget what I'm about to write!  The restoring power of God is far greater than the destroying power of Satan!  Which power are you going to allow to work in your life?

Maybe you're reading this and you're on the verge of quitting.  Let me "scream" at you, PLEASE DON'T QUIT!  Don't jump off the quitting cliff because the landing can be painful! It may seem like a relief when you jump of the quitting cliff  and you're soaring in the air but when you hit the rocks on the bottom it can hurt. Yes God can restore and He will if you quit.  But the pain you experience after quitting can sometimes be far greater than the pain you're experiencing before you quit.

Before I close out this blog let me give you a couple of simple steps that will be a huge help to you during the painful moments of life and ministry.  These steps don't seem really "deep" but I believe they're crucial to longevity in your walk with God and what He's called you to do.

1.  Stay close to God!  Don't allow your difficulty to drive you away from God.  The Bible tells us that if we stay close to God He will stay close to us.  In other words, you're as close to God as you want to be.

2.  Stay close to friends!  I have some close genuine friends that have been a huge help to me and my family during our painful moments.  What do I mean by genuine friends?  I'm not their friend for what I can do for them and they're not my friend for what they can do for me.  Some might disagree but that's the wrong motivation to be friends.  We're friends because there is a divine flow between us and God has obviously joined our hearts together!  I love these kind of relationships!

Your relationship with God and your relationship with close friends. Don't neglect either of these and you'll walk through your painful season and come out on the other side a stronger, wiser and more humbled person.

I love it! Hey it's time to DREAM.......AGAIN!
