Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fear is Like a Cancer that Kills Dreams

It was about this time five years ago when it all started.  A  garden was planted in my heart and the seed sown in this garden was to produce confusion, unwise decisions and the death of a dream.

As every seed carries a name, this seed is identified by the name "fear"!

Every decision you make in fear you'll later regret!

My family along with some other friends took a huge step of faith.   Leaving a perfectly good church with people that loved us we transitioned from Texas to Colorado to plant a new church.  

Community Church in Pueblo West, Colorado.   It was happening, the dream was real and living!

It was a small beginning with the church in the basement of our home but we were excited and loved what God was doing!  WE WERE PLANTING A CHURCH!

But there came a time something shifted in my heart.  Instead of planting a church,  FEAR was being planted in my heart!  And fear is a cancer, that if allowed to grow, KILLS DREAMS!  

Our financial support begins to dwindle, a seed of fear is planted.   Some of our launch team leaves and fear continues to grow.  Several other events occurred that I'll not mention but by this time fear is full blown in my heart.  

 The voice of fear becomes much louder than the voice of God!  Through a "word of prophecy" I'd been told that "wherever I set my foot God was going to give me the land and that I was to be strong and courageous."   But those words had long left my heart and the "words" of fear were now dominating!

So I make a decision that leads to many other decisions that caused much pain.  In May 2011 I shut the church down and returned to Texas to work a job.  Then in August 2011 I moved my family back to Texas leaving our home in Colorado.

Now five years later I look back not to mourn but to learn.  And if there's one thing I've learned it's that FEAR KILLS DREAMS!  

So when did courage leave and fear enter my heart?  The moment I put my trust in man and not in God!   I got my eyes off God who had sent us to Colorado and put my eyes on man and expected man to keep us in Colorado.

There's so much more I can write but I'll keep this short.

As I said it's been five years.  The number "5" in the Bible represents grace and my friends God's grace has been sufficient!   The journey hasn't been easy but God has been GOOD!

Two Bible verses I'd like to share.

"So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves.  Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.  Now we call him, Abba, Father."  (Romans 8:15)

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."  (Romans 8:28)

TODAY is a NEW DAY!  With God's help my family is DREAMING.......AGAIN!  But if you're reading this blog and you've opened the door to fear, stop right now and close that door.  "God has not given you a spirit of fear."  Get alone with God and allow His love to overwhelm you and you'll know for certain that He will never leave you or forsake you.  You'll know that God is for you and not against you.

I admonish you, don't allow fear to take root in your heart and grow.  Stand right now as a child of God and declare that you are strong and courageous.

And if fear has destroyed your dream, with God you can DREAM.......AGAIN!

"I praise God for what he has promised.  I TRUST IN GOD, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me?"  (Psalm 56:4)
