Tuesday, January 30, 2018


The God of Relationships is longing to have a relationship with you!  A personal one on one connection that is then reflected in our relationships with other people.

We are given a glimpse of the character and nature of God as we read the Bible and we explore the life of Jesus Christ who said "if you've seen me, you've seen the Father."

Even though the horrific yet glorious work of the Cross could only be completed by the Son of God he was also known as the Son of Man and his kinship with those around him portrayed a Savior who longed to have relationships with created women and men!

When mentioning the creation of mankind we are reminded that God didn't work alone.  After all He is the God of Relationships.  "Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.."  (Genesis 1:26)

Why did the Founder of the earth create mankind?  He wanted a Family!  Yes the Author of relationships longs for a relationship with you!  

Are you lonely?  Are you sad from being alone?  That's because God didn't design you to be alone!

"Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper who is just right for him."  (Genesis 2:18)

As you read the scriptures communicating the marvelous work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in creating this earth and all its inhabitants, you see these words, "And God saw it was good."

But while surveying His creation God saw the man, who was alone, and said "it's not good."

When you think about it this is a rather shocking admission by God!  Adam enjoyed a sinless pure relationship with God yet the Divine Creator says "it's not good that you're alone Adam."  Or in other words, "Adam your connection with me is not the only connection you need."

So God creates Eve and through the pages of the days to come conveys this message, "you'll need one another."

And with this God transmits this truth.  Your relationship with others will be a direct reflection of your relationship Him!

"Anyone can say, “I love God,” yet have hatred toward another believer. This makes him a phony, because if you don’t love a brother or sister, whom you can see, how can you truly love God, whom you can’t see?  For he has given us this command: whoever loves God must also demonstrate love to others."   (1 John 4:20,21)

God is all about relationships.  In fact every significant transition in our ministry has come first through our relationship with God and then through a meaningful relationship with another person.  God puts a high value and priority on relationships.

I've stopped telling people they need to go to church.  Because they don't need to just "go to church."  We need to BE the church and connect with other believers in the family of God!

Yes, God has a family! His character and nature are best communicated to the world through His family on this earth!

Are you disconnected from God's family today!  Reconnect and experience the life, love and healing of our Heavenly Father that is imparted through those who are collectively connected to Him!  God's best for you will come through your connection to His church which is His family!

Are you lonely?  God gives His antidote for loneliness in this verse from the Bible.  "God places the lonely in families...."  (Psalm 68:6)

You were never meant to live life alone!  Me needs to become we because we are better together!

Encouraging others,
