"Afterward Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to go over to Macedonia and Achaia before going to Jerusalem. And after that he said, I must go on to Rome." (Acts 19:21)
I fully understand how Paul must have felt. Likewise I am compelled to go! I have been extended a special invitation to speak at the graduation ceremony for the Christ for the Nations Bible School in Romania. This is a great honor and privilege to participate and to commission leaders who are serving within Romania as they are sent out to fulfill God's purposes in their lives. Some will go as church planters, some will go as missionaries- but all will go as fully equipped disciples of Jesus Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
The invitation for this special ministry trip was recent. I will arrive a few days before the graduation to teach in classes and equip the students for the destiny that's before them. The trip dates are May 21-Jun 01.
I need your help! I need to raise $2000.00 as soon as possible. If you would like the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these emerging leaders in the country of Romania would you prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to help make this trip possible.
Just today I opened and looked over a book I've already read by Bill Hybels called "Courageous Leadership." I happened to open to chapter 6 which is titled "Developing Emerging Leaders." Let me share a quote from Pastor Hybels. "I think leaders are at their very best when they are raising up leaders around them. Or put another way, leaders are at their best when they are creating a leadership culture."
The Bible tells us that "the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." If you would like to be involved in equipping laborers for the Kingdom of God you can send you tax deductible offering to World Connect- P.O. Box 4 - Port Neches, TX. 77651.
No gift is too small. After all $2000.00 is only 200 people giving $10.00 or 100 people giving $20.00 or 20 people giving $100.00.
Thank you so much for your prayers and consideration concerning this trip. If you'd like more information you can go to our web-site at www.myworldconnect.tv Just go to the events tab and then click on "New Event."
Encouraging the World,
Ken Woolf
I fully understand how Paul must have felt. Likewise I am compelled to go! I have been extended a special invitation to speak at the graduation ceremony for the Christ for the Nations Bible School in Romania. This is a great honor and privilege to participate and to commission leaders who are serving within Romania as they are sent out to fulfill God's purposes in their lives. Some will go as church planters, some will go as missionaries- but all will go as fully equipped disciples of Jesus Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
The invitation for this special ministry trip was recent. I will arrive a few days before the graduation to teach in classes and equip the students for the destiny that's before them. The trip dates are May 21-Jun 01.
I need your help! I need to raise $2000.00 as soon as possible. If you would like the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these emerging leaders in the country of Romania would you prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to help make this trip possible.
Just today I opened and looked over a book I've already read by Bill Hybels called "Courageous Leadership." I happened to open to chapter 6 which is titled "Developing Emerging Leaders." Let me share a quote from Pastor Hybels. "I think leaders are at their very best when they are raising up leaders around them. Or put another way, leaders are at their best when they are creating a leadership culture."
The Bible tells us that "the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." If you would like to be involved in equipping laborers for the Kingdom of God you can send you tax deductible offering to World Connect- P.O. Box 4 - Port Neches, TX. 77651.
No gift is too small. After all $2000.00 is only 200 people giving $10.00 or 100 people giving $20.00 or 20 people giving $100.00.
Thank you so much for your prayers and consideration concerning this trip. If you'd like more information you can go to our web-site at www.myworldconnect.tv Just go to the events tab and then click on "New Event."
Encouraging the World,
Ken Woolf