Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The time had come!  After being the pastors of a great church in Texas for 10 years my family took a bold step of faith to plant a church in Colorado.  Although it was difficult to leave the people we had served and lived life together with for a decade, my wife and I were elated about our transition.  We knew for certain God was leading us to live the dream He had placed in our hearts to plant a life-giving church in an area we absolutely loved.  Yes it was a "dream come true!" 

I can't tell you how many confirmations I received that this was the right step for us.  How many hours were spent in prayer seeking God's strategy and plan and the number of books I read and conferences I attended to learn as much as I could about planting a church. 

There were people from Texas that made the transition with us.  And combined with those who joined us in Colorado we had an incredible launch team.  We just knew we were on the brink of doing something great for the Kingdom of God! 

Well it's been just over two years since we launched "Community Church" in Pueblo West, CO. and today the church doesn't even exist.  Yes you read that right, there is no "Community Church!" 

Simply put our dream fell apart.  My family has expereinced total financial devastation, the loss of a home and now we find ourselves back in Texas trying to put our lives back together. 

To try and explain the last two and half years would be impossible.  There's still to many things I don't understand.  But here's what I know!  God is good and He still has a great plan for us!  But for us to experience that plan we need to "Dream.......Again!" 

I'm writing this blog to share our experience and to help others that need to "Dream.......Again!"  If you've experienced something similar whether it be in ministry, a business, marriage or any other area of life I want you to know I'm writing this blog for you.  You can be certain that because Jesus Christ lives  your dreams will live again and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

Stay Tuned,
Ken Woolf